Monday, August 25, 2014

First Week!

I love it here!!

This place has just constantly shocked me with how great it is and how happy I am. So much studying and learning that takes place and it just continually helps me grow! This keyboard kinda sticks on the shift key so excuse the mistakes haha. I LOVE ya'll and miss ya'll a ton! I am so glad to be out here it’s just hard to sacrifice and give up so much! My companion is a great guy. Elder Broadhead. He is way cool and he loves football and basketball so we get along great. We have a lot in common and he is a way spiritual guy! When we teach the investigators (role play) the spirit is so strong and we flow so well together! He is going to Johannesburg, South Africa though so he won't be in my mission. But my other two roommates are both going to Twin Falls! They are great guys and I am so blessed to be in such a great district here. I know that it is not coincidence that I am with them! haha one of my buddies here that I get a long with really well and is just like me is Elder Dean! We go on exchanges together sometimes and mess with people cause our names are so similar! Makes me think of Luke lol. He is from San Diego and is such a funny guy! He is going to the Houston Texas East Mission!! I told him all about Texas haha. Don't even worry about how I am doing because it is so amazing here! I have never experienced more joy than coming here. I have drawn so close to the Lord it’s amazing. I know he answers my prayers and looking back I realize how different everything in my life was just a week ago! Even when I thought I was spiritual it was just a glimpse of what I feel here! Just being around people that have the same focus and goal is amazing. I pray for ya'll every night!! I miss ya'll and will see ya'll on August 16th, 2016 :)))

Love, Elder Bean II

Here is a link to a video that Noah found inspiring.

With Elder Dean :)

In front of the Provo temple

Elder Broadhead, my companion