Monday, September 28, 2015

Finding and Teaching Some Great Investigators - Lunar Eclipse was Cool!

It was an amazing week full of the Spirit changing people’s hearts!

Wednesday we did an exchange with some missionaries. Some missionaries had to go to Twin Falls, so we got an extra Elder for the day. Elder Velazquez was with Elder Taylor and I, so it was cool being in a little trio!  We had a solid day of visiting our investigators and had a super good dinner with the Maugers!

Jeremy (who we found last week) is progressing, and we are teaching his dad, Tim, now too! Both are set to be baptized on October 24th! Some things we have to work through first, but we have faith that it will happen! 

Thursday evening we did splits with 3rd ward and I went with Bishop Nelson and Elder Taylor went with Thane Nebeker. They visited the Carter's and taught about the Book of Mormon and 3 of the kids are excited about it and we have another appointment for this week!

We committed Steven J. to baptism and it was a neat moment. The Spirit has opened his heart more and now he is going to think and pray on it. 

Also Hayden, another investigator that lives with the Blunts who are the recent convert family, is thinking and praying about a baptism day too! 

Saturday we went to Fairfield at night and visited the Shorts. We got to see their pig give birth!! It was pretty interesting to watch ahha. (Fun fact: momma pigs are called sows, and she was HUGE). Then we went to the wedding reception of Erica and Josh! It was cool to see them and they looked super happy! 

Yesterday was a great day at church and in our meetings got a lot accomplished. Went to the Pattons for dinner cause it was Jaelynn's birthday! (Josh's oldest daughter who turned 7). She is awesome little girl and I love going over there cause we are related through marriage (David and April) so it feels like family!  Going out to visit people with Josh is a lot of fun too, he is a cool guy and great missionary! 

Got to cut Elder Taylor's hair last night at the Hortings which was neat (it was pretty good haircut too ahha) and saw the lunar eclipse!

Anyways, Take care! Love y'all!

Elder Bean

Brother Horting shooting a potato gun

Lunar eclipse

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

New Companion - Elder Taylor

IT was a good week! 

Got Elder Taylor on Wednesday, he is from West Jordan, Utah.

We went up to Fairfield with President Turner that night and made some good visits! He is a neat guy and fun to talk to on the ride to and from Fairfield. 

We were pretty busy the rest of the week with seeing a lot of people! Met this guy, Jeremy, on Friday while walking and on Saturday we taught him! He came to church Sunday too! He is partially deaf so it is hard to tell if he understands, but the Spirit can still influence beyond those barriers!

Helped the Young's move, and they now live in 1st ward so we are passing them off to the Sisters. (along with their baptism date lol). Went to a baptism for an 8 year old kid, Everett, on Saturday! His cousin, Briten, came home from his mission in North Carolina that same night and the baptism ended up being 30 minutes late because his plane was delayed! That was pretty cool for him to do that because he was not released yet! He gave a good talk on Baptism too, about how our outward appearance/actions are a reflection of our inward commitment. 

Had a Stake Missionary Meeting last night and learned a lot of great things. Found out our Stake is highest baptizing in the mission, and our ward is at 15 year to date which is highest in the stake! We have some good tools and plans to increase that even more too!!

I love y'all!!!

Elder Bean

Elder Amezcua, Elder Rosales, Me

With Elder Swanson and Marquez

New companion, Elder Taylor

Helping the Smiths pick pears

Transfers, Staying in Gooding and Getting a New Companion

Transfer Week! I am staying in Gooding and getting Elder Taylor as my new companion.

It has been a good week though! I will miss Elder Edmonds and hope he does well in his next area. 

Last Monday was a great day! Played pool with these potential investigators and they are super good. We had more appointments at night than we could do ourselves, so we split off. Ended up getting 3 new investigators that have been prepared! Hope to help them progress. I went with Josh Patton and taught the Carr's. Elder Edmonds went with Bro. Horting and taught the Minters. The Spirit was pretty strong in the lesson with the Carr's and it was a neat experience. 

Tuesday I was in Hagerman on exchanges! It was pretty good day! Got to meet some cool people that know a lot of people in Gooding! It was cool because we were in a trio for the exchange. 

Had a super good lesson with Jared and Kyleen on Wednesday with Josh Patton. Taught on Eternal Families and Prayer! They are neat family and I hope to see them continue to progress!

Sad day in Fairfield, helped Stew, one of our progressing investigators, move out of Fairfield... He still wants to continue meeting with missionaries though!

It was Stake Conference weekend and it went great! Only had 2 hours of church instead of 9 :) so that was a good thing :) Had more time in the day to go and talk/visit people!

Things are going well!! Love y'all!!

-Elder Bean

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Temples are so Important and Crucial to God's Plan for Us

It was a good week! Already starting to feel like fall with some nice cool weather!

Last Monday since we were like out of miles we just went and played pool with this old guy, Mike, at this apartment complex and he was so good. Made crazy shots and would play 5 shots ahead and determine how and where he would hit and the spin he would put on the cue ball. It was a lot of fun.

Had a lot of good lessons this week and people are making progress. Went out with Thane to visit people the other night and we set up three return appointments! Thane is a neat guy. Served a mission and was a great missionary. He knows his stuff! 

In Fairfield this week we talked with two families at the door and both welcomed us back eagerly! Which was pretty cool since they are both part members. People in Fairfield are just so kind and genuinely nice! I could live there someday haha.

We are starting to really involve the members more and commit them to do missionary work in simple ways. It has been a good thing and we hope to see some fruit come of that!

Really cool thing is happening with the Maugers! They are a neat family and have so much momentum in the gospel right now. They have changed a lot and come far and we are all hoping to help them get to the temple soon! :) It will be such a blessing in their life. We watched "Temples are a beacon" with them and "The Blessings of the Temple". Committed them to have a goal to go to the temple and experience how great it is and how much of a strength to their family it will be.

Temples are so important and CRUCIAL to God's plan for us. It is the one way that we can be given the greatest blessing we could ever receive: an eternal family. Not to mention it allows those that have died to receive necessary ordinances for salvation, like baptism, and to be sealed to their families! It is God's "no child left behind" strategy in a way! Only those that choose not to follow Christ will be left behind, and that is because of their own choices. WE must choose to accept Jesus Christ and believe his teachings and the truth that has been restored today; That we have a prophet on the earth. That we have the authority of God to administer the church and perform ordinances. That the Book of Mormon is Another Testament of Jesus Christ and contains the fullness of the gospel and supports and clarifies the message of the Bible. 

I love this Gospel and being able to share this great and wonderful message with everyone. 

Love y'all,

Elder Bean :)

Tandem bike someone in the Ward gave us

We're taking advantage of the nicer weather and using the bike.

Thiemann kids